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Choosing 'Sparkle Cleaning Boise' will put your mind at ease.

With a solid background in customer service and satisfaction, Melissa with 'Sparkle Cleaning Boise' will provide an array of standard and customizable services, including residential, short-term rentals, and move in/out services.


Hi, My name is Melissa ,


I started ‘Sparkle Cleaning Boise’ after years of trying to find a detailed, reliable cleaning service, one that would show up on time and clean my home better than I do; basically not having to come home and go back over everything.


I decided if I cant find it, I will create it. And that is just what I have done.


For the past 25 years, I have spent my working life in project management, office management and business/sales consulting. I am no stranger to running my own business.  I have coached several small businesses, as well as running my own beauty business.


I enjoy all the beautiful things Boise has to offer, whether it is snowshoeing, camping in my vintage camper or spending time with my pup Frank.




- Melissa D. Owner

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